Vetpro has produced a range of first aid kits for larger animals – this kit has been designed for the small pet owner. A variety of items that may assist in an emergency such as wounds, burns, grazes.
Complete with saline to sluice a dirty wound, alcohol swabs to clean around the area, small size soft adhesive bandages, scissors, tweezers and adhesive tape. Latex gloves are also included for the owner.
Products are subject to change due to availability.
Small, friendly and approachable
Support staff with equine experience
NZ Focus – climate, pasture, conditions
Development capability for international conditions
Products developed by Vets for New Zealand conditions
Specialized products for specific needs
Phone: +64 9 412 6466
Freephone: 0800 864 000
Fax: +64 9 412 6901
7/3 Loft Place, Kumeu
PO Box 410, Kumeu
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